UKGIC | UK Immigration Consultants

reunited family with the indefinite leave to remain
Immigration Pathways,Relocation

Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK: Your Key to a Secure Future and Endless Possibilities

Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) is a type of immigration status in the UK that permits non-EEA individuals to remain in the country without any time restrictions. It is also commonly known as settled status or permanent residency. An individual who has been granted ILR can live and work in the UK without needing any further permission or sponsorship.

To be eligible for ILR, an individual must have lived in the UK for a certain period of time and meet certain criteria such as passing the Life in the UK test, not having any criminal convictions and proof of English language proficiency. Once granted, ILR opens up various opportunities such as applying for British citizenship, sponsoring family members to come to the UK and accessing public funds.

It is important to note that ILR holders can lose their status if they spend too much time outside the UK, commit a criminal offence or fail to meet the criteria.

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